Kaleidoscope Eyes is the best book I've read in a long time, inspiring this nerdy blog. It's a nice blend of Holes, The Wonder Years, and poetry. If you liked other novels in poetic form like Love That Dog and Out of the Dust, you'll love this gem. Literally. There's treasure involved, and just look at the cover! Yeah, I know, don't judge a book...blah, blah. We all do it.
Set in the 60s, three young teens inherit what they discover to be a treasure map and go to town. There's historical fiction (the fictional captain's log of pirate Captn. Kidd), poetry, making it a potential 1-2 day read, and adventure, who knew a river could shift?? With the main character's Janis Joplin-loving older hippie sister, I couldn't help but read this as if Kevin Arnold, Winnie Cooper, and Paul Pfeiffer were digging for their lives. I give it 5 steamy mochas! (Almost as good as it gets in my caffeinated world...)
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